Saturday, April 26th, 2025 - Live Online
Past Life Practitioner Certification Class
One-Day, Live Online Class
Charles Virtue has been teaching students around the world, for over 15 years, how to work with Angels and bring the healing vibrations of Heaven into their daily lives. In each of the multi-day certification classes he has created and taught, there have always been dedicated lessons on the power and importance of working to clear and heal from past life energy that you may be carrying around. For the first time ever, Charles is so excited to announce that the Past Life Practitioner class, has been channeled and will be taught in a live, one-day online class.
In this powerful and spiritually-healing certification course Charles will teach all about the cyclical patterns our souls experience as we travel from lifetime to lifetime. Charles will teach which Angels best help us to safely and gently travel inward to the energy of our past selves in order to identify and begin to heal from any past life issues that are impacting our current lives.
There is so much about your current life that is directly affected by the energy of your past lives. As we travel from body to body and lifetime to lifetime we experience many different things - and each of these experiences imprints on our souls in a lasting way. While the lasting effects vary, certain life experiences such as trauma, major loss, pain/suffering, and persecution stick with our souls and directly change the way we naturally interact with the world in our lives. In this class we will begin to safely process and ultimately heal/release that energy. Few spiritual experiences can be as freeing and revitalizing as letting go of the heaviness, fears and pain we often don’t realize we have.
Certain phobias and strong situationally adverse reactions stem directly from our prior life experiences in similar situations. This can impact aspects of our lives like love, money, heath, sense of self-worth and our ability to believe that we deserve happiness.
Working with the Angels to heal from past life issues is safe, non-traumatic and easy. The fact is, Heaven never wanted us to carry around the weight of our prior lives as much as we do - it’s just that our current society does not see the value/validity of paying attention to this essential spiritual aspect our our existence.
If you feel that too much in your life is happening that is out of your control, if you feel like the effort you put forward into progressing is often met with non-correlated roadblocks and resistance, there’s a good chance past life issues are working against you.
You will not only learn to work on your own past life energy, but you will also learn to work with your clients/friends/family/loved ones in order to help spiritually clear their path forward as well. Each graduate of the Past Life Practitioner class will receive a personalized and signed digital certificate that will be delivered by email one week after the class. This certificate will show that you have studied, practiced and are a living example of the power and importance of working with the Angles to heal/clear and transmute past life karma and energy.
Cost: $122
When: Saturday, April 26th, 2025
Where: Live, online via Zoom
Hours: 10am to 4pm PST
**This class will be recorded and will be available for each student to download to retake indefinitely**