Name: Paula Pinto
Location: Santiago, Chile
Phone: +56951618240 (WhatsApp)
Comunicación con ángeles y guías
Angel readings; communication with angels and guides
Comunicación telepática con animales vivos o trascendidos
Animal communication
Sanación angelical para humanos y animales
Angelic healing for humans and animals
Biomagnetismo para humanos y animales
Biomagnetism for humans and animals
Flores de Bach para humanos y animales
Bach flower therapy for humans and animals
(All the services can be done at a distance and via zoom or whatsapp)
Angel Certification Program ACP - Charles Virtue y Peroshini Naidoo
Angelic Animal Communication - Peroshini Naidoo
Angelic Mediumship - Charles Virtue
Healing with the Angels - Charles Virtue
Master Angel Certification - Charles Virtue y Peroshini Naidoo
Archangel Life Coaching ALC - Charles Virtue
Past Life Practitioner - Charles Virtue
Archangel Nathaniel (New year, New you)- Charles Virtue
Comunicadora Interespecies Profesional - Daniela Camino (México/Mexico)
Animal Communicator - Olga Porqueras (España/Spain)
Biomagnetismo para humanos y animales
Languages: Español / English