Introducing the Advanced ACP Home Study Certification Class!

Because the class is taken at home, it will contain approximately 30% more material, meditations and lessons than was ever possible in the traditional, in-person format. Time constraints, travel costs, hotel stays are now a thing of the past. This download course will allow you to explore the material at your own pace and in your own home! You will now be able to re-reference this class any time you wish! This At-Home course contains a package of accompanying lesson literature and a meditation recorded by Charles Virtue for use in your MP3 player.

This complete class consists of eight 1+ hour chapters on topics of:

-Life Purpose

-Advanced Reading techniques for yourself and your clients

-Mediumship (Always be ready in case a loved one has messages)

-Clearing energy/spaces/negativity

-Business (How to start and run your spiritual business)



-And much more!

The Advanced ACP course is a continuation and expansion of the lessons, clearings and techniques explored in ACP. This class is designed for those who wish to take their connection with the angels a bit further. This class incorporates advanced clearing techniques with advanced reading methods used by professional angel readers throughout the world. This class also explores, in depth, the facets of being a full-time lightworker. This class also expands on functional Mediumship skills.

If you see yourself being a card reader, speaker, teacher, healer of any sort, this download class will help give you the knowledge, tools and confidence to step immediately into your role as a lightworker.

During this class we will explore the material we have learned in the ACP class and expand on your new strengths to further open your ability to receive guidance and messages from your Angels as well as further train you to use your intuition to guide you through life. Introduction to advanced Angel reading techniques and further exploration of clearing methods that open the path to our Divine Guidance and intuition and will make this a class to remember.

Additionally, this class will offer you the following:

• We will Work on clearing fears and blocks regarding contact with the spirit world.

• We will practice clearing channel between yourself/your client and spirit world.

• We will explore techniques to learn who our Guardian Angels are and how to communicate with them.

• We will practice Mediumship, learning to discern deceased loved ones for yourself and clients and receive detailed information like names, visual details, deceased’ relationship to client etc. to validate the process.

• We will learn about Life Purpose and begin working with the angels to guide us to our next step in life.

• We will learn about and explore lessons and principals on Advanced Manifestation and learn to streamline our thoughts and energy for the benefit of our path and purpose.

• We will practice Healing methods commonly used to help bring health, wholeness and well-being to our clients and loved ones.

• This class will teach you about themed readings such as; Love, Abundance, Career, Relocation, Soul Mates, Karma and Health.

Charles will furthermore explain how to establish your own healing practice/business and advice on how to become a published author and/or teacher. This class will help you identify your strengths and interests and achieve your personal/business goals.

• We will discuss business aspects like pricing, payments, advertisement, business cards/websites etc.

• An overview on writing articles and books and getting them published.

• How to organize workshops/ certification classes.

• An approach to marketing and media interaction.

We welcome all certified CACR, ETP, ACP and ATP students to this At-Home class.

This powerful class will once again allow you to clear and open your energetic and spiritual self, in a loving, safe, nurturing and informative environment (Your home!). All graduates of this class will receive a Certificate Of Advanced Training under Charles Virtue after your Professional Reader/Healer essay is emailed to us and reviewed.

Price: $144 For Class and Certification

The Archangel Life Coaching Class and Advanced ACP class together make a very complete angel training education.

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